KingsCrowd, An Early Investing Company, Names Immortal Data Its Top Selection in Latest Report


(Las Cruces, NM) MARCH 31, 2022: First Stage Investing, a service of Early Investing, a KingsCrowd company, has named Immortal Data its top selection in its latest report. Early Investing, a Kings Crowd company, helps investors find the most promising investment opportunities outside of the stock market, including private startups like Immortal Data. In their report, Andy Gordon (Co-founder of First Stage Investing) says, “I love regulation plays. And this is one of the better ones I've seen. I couldn't agree more with Immortal Data's assessment that "regulating space practice in line with other environments is already U.S. policy; extending black box requirements would just be an implementation of that policy."

Immortal Data is building the first space-compatible DAQ black box, which is smaller than a computer mouse but heavily fortified, and intends to set the industry standard for data acquisition regulation for space travel. CEO Dale Amon has been involved in New Space for (XX) years, and saw a need for this technology all the way back in 2010. The Immortal Data team has helped write modern aerospace regulations, and has recently served as a subcontractor for the Las Cruces airport master plan update to make Las Cruces a New Space hub.

With more private companies exploring space, regulation is inevitable. Early Investing confirms this, saying, “When (and NOT "if") these new regulations are issued, it's highly likely that Immortal Data will be the only company with patent-protected products that fully comply with them.” (Andy Gordon) Immortal Data recently completed their net capital raise, and plans to bring their ShipShore black box to market this summer after rigorous beta testing.

In a small office with large windows packed with science books and gadgetry, works a man with grand ideas to revolutionize the aerospace industry. He’s a lifelong lover of all things outer space and hopes to make it big on Earth so he can someday reside outside its atmosphere.

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